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How does Town Planning integrate with everyday life?


Why Town Planning is necessary

Town Planning includes urban design, which is integral to how we live, work and play.  Urban design requires careful design for development within urban localities to house people, and considers construction of infrastructure such as roads, water/sewer supply. stormwater drainage, and recreational areas for social activities. Urban design targets and provides communities with services such as shops, health facilities, and education buildings.

Town Planning utilises land use planning to ensure that development is carried out to meet aims and objectives of specific zones. All land in Australia is zoned to reduce and mitigate potential conflicts between different land uses. An example of this overview approach is consideration that land zoned for rural uses should be maintained for primary production purposes to assist in provision of foods, materials, and other requirements for people to live, without impacts to rural lands being by other industries or development that may have a potential effect on the viability of the ongoing use.

Social and economic cohesion for localities is the result of good Town Planning.  Planning enables communities to live, work and be social in their own spaces and interconnect with surrounding localities, without having a detrimental effect on the environment which is essential for all life on earth.

Town planning is integral in everyday life on every scale - from individual developments to street, locality, town and city design.  It shapes the way we live.

Monteath & Powys can assist with your Urban Planning and Regional Planning needs, negotiating with Councils and Government Authorities for good development outcomes.